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INFORMED AI Summer School 2025

June 16 @ 9:00 am - June 19 @ 5:00 pm

Two students chatting outside University building with large reflective glass window overlaid with abstract structure comprising white lines

We are pleased to announce the Hub’s first summer school. The 4 day event will be held at the University of Bristol School of Mathematics from Monday 16 June to Thursday 19 June 2025.

The school aims to expose participants to current research in the mathematics underpinning AI and Machine Learning.  We welcome participation from early career as well as established researchers in academia and industry.

The summer school is part of the INFORMED-AI hub, one of three EPSRC-funded hubs on the mathematical foundations of artificial intelligence. A joint venture between the universities of Bristol, Cambridge, and Durham and Imperial College, London, it focuses on collective intelligence in distributed multi-agent systems such as power grids, transport and communication networks, robot swarms, etc.

Short courses will be delivered by the following speakers. In addition, there will be opportunities for short talks from participants.  Full schedule will be published on this page in due course.


  • José Miguel Hernández Lobato
    Professor of Machine Learning, University of Cambridge & Chief AI Officer, Angstrom AI.
    Title: Diffusion models and their applications in molecular modeling
    Biography and abstract
  • Peter Kairouz
    Research Scientist at Google
    Title: LLM Privacy: From Principles to Practice
    Biography and abstract
  • Maryam Kamgarpour
    Director Sycamore Lab, EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).
    Title: Decentralized Learning of Equilibria in Multiagent Games
    Biogaphy and abstract

Cost and Registration

To register interest, please email informed-ai@bristol.ac.uk with a few sentences about your work and/ or a link to your personal research page.

We will follow up with a registration link for you to sign up and pay for your Summer School place:

  • Summer School registration (4 days of talks, lunches and refreshments) – £80.
  • Optional costs of £177 for 3 nights accommodation in University Halls of Residence
  • Optional cost of £35 for Conference dinner on Wednesday 18 June 6.00 – 8.00pm


For all enquiries email informed-ai@bristol.ac.uk


June 16 @ 9:00 am
June 19 @ 5:00 pm




University of Bristol School of Mathematics
Fry Building, Woodland Rd
Bristol, BS8 1UG
+ Google Map